
Trustees of Amerdale Hall

As a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), Amerdale Hall is governed by a Board of Trustees. As of October 2024, the Trustees are:

  • Clive Lane, Chair, 01756 770050
  • Gill Scott, Treasurer
  • Sarah Paul, Bookings Secretary, 01756 770282
  • Richard Miller
  • Charlotte Charnley
  • Kate Beard
  • Clare Penter
  • Janelle Plummer
  • Brenda Mckenzie

Entertainments Committee

Events in the hall are organised by the Amerdale Hall Entertainments Committee, a sub-committee of Amerdale Hall CIO, comprising members of the CIO and co-opted members. The current members are:

  • Sarah Paul
  • Kate Beard
  • Ruth Cowan
  • Clare Penter
  • Michelle Miller
  • Gill Scott
  • Andrew Mason
  • Alison Mason
  • Charlotte Charnley
  • Brenda Mckenzie
  • Ian Smith

How is Amerdale Hall governed?

Amerdale Hall is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) registered with Companies House (no. 1193881). The Hall is governed according to our 'governing document', a rulebook (aka CIO Foundation Constitution) which sets out the Hall's purpose, who runs it and how it is run, how trustees are appointed, etc.

Where does the money go?

100 percent of the funds raised by Amerdale Hall go back into the hall through projects (such as the ongoing refurbishment) and the community events held throughout the year. Our accounts are audited annually.

What is the purpose of Amerdale Hall?

The purpose of Amerdale Hall set out in the CIO Foundation Constitution is to provide and maintain a meeting hall within the area and community of Littondale, North Yorkshire for public benefit, to provide facilities for  the advancement of education, the arts, culture, heritage, amateur, sport, recreation and other activities in the interests of promoting improvements in social welfare, conditions of life and community  cohesion.

How can I get involved?

If you wish to join the CIO as a Trustee, please contact the Chair, Clive Lane, 01756 770050.

If you wish to join the Entertainments Committee, please contact Sarah Paul, 01756 770282.